Adult Braces Tips

Updated November 20, 2023
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Tips For Dealing With Braces As An Adult

Braces are not just a childhood or adolescent experience. Many adults decide to fix their misaligned teeth later in their life and must learn to deal with braces in their everyday lives. This can be quite a challenging transition, especially at the beginning of the process when you’re forming new habits.

The good news is we have some orthodontist-approved tips to make dealing with braces much easier for you.

Prepare for Changes During the First Week

You’ll probably feel discomfort during your first week of having braces. Before getting braces, make sure you have everything you need on hand. This includes a heating pad or washcloth to warm and an over-the-counter pain reliever such as acetaminophen. Your orthodontist will also provide you with wax to protect your cheeks and lips from the braces.

Stay Open to Talking With People

Don’t change your life or your interactions based on how you fear people will perceive your braces. You’d be surprised at how little other people are actually concerned with your braces – and if they are, they’ll likely be happy and excited for you.Taking care of your teeth is so important. Don’t let worries about what people may think keep you from enjoying a beautiful, healthy smile.
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Watch Out For Tricky Foods

Be mindful of what foods you eat as some of them can cause problems with your braces. Stay away from sticky foods such as gum, popcorn or taffy. Make sure to cut down on foods that are high in sugar or starch as these can cause plaque build up around your braces. When in doubt, stick to soft foods; these will be your friend for the following months.

Don’t Forget Your Toothbrush

Your toothbrush is essential for getting out pesky food particles that mange to getstuck in your braces. That is why it’s so important that you start carrying your toothbrush everywhere you go. That way, you can always manage to get your teeth and braces clean again and avoid the embarrassment of going the whole day with food stuck inside of them.

Take Your Oral Hygiene Seriously

Your toothbrush is essential for getting out pesky food particles that mange to getstuck in your braces. That is why it’s so important that you start carrying your toothbrush everywhere you go. That way, you can always manage to get your teeth and braces clean again and avoid the embarrassment of going the whole day with food stuck inside of them.

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